Sophisticated Blush, Gold, and White Gala with Crystal Accents

What comes to mind with you think “black tie gala”? Is it the gowns, the champagne, or the socializing? Do you ever think of associating the color blush in a fundraiser or gala setting?

It’s easy to disassociate the two, as blush is a popular choice for weddings year round; however I think it’s worth exploring that soft shade of pink in the gala setting. Used sparingly and carefully, blush can add a sense of life and freshness into an environment that is often a little stiff. Below I’ve curated a few of my favorite inspiration pictures that I believe would be a great start to a sophisticated blush, gold, and white gala with crystal accents. The crystal chandeliers and candelabras make the event so refined, but it’s the subtle blush napkins or rose accents that help soften this design. Where I think this concept really shines is its ability to translate into an after party space or lounge on the lawn. The greenery in the grass only enhances the neutral color palette, enhancing the look further.

Would this look work for any fundraiser or gala? Certainly not! But for the right group with a focus on appealing to its female guests, this ideas board could be the perfect beginning to a lovely and elegant evening. Here’s what I had in mind:

Sophisticated Blush, Gold, and White Gala with Crystal Accents

Sophisticated Blush, Gold, and White Gala with Crystal Accents

Be sure to see where each element of this week’s sophisticated gala mood board were found:

Draped White Lounge Cabanas on the Lawn with Blush Furniture and Crystal Chandeliers – shared by Revelry Event Designers

Grand Entrance with White Tent and Drapery featuring Crystal Chandeliers – shared by Inside Weddings

Candelabra Estate Table in White – shared by Rafanelli Events

White and Gold Focal Bar with Blush Rose Arrangements – shared by Todd Events

Blush Place Setting with Gold and White Prints and Textures – spotted on Pinterest

Don’t forget to pin your favorites for future reference:

What type of organization do you know of that could throw an event like this?


A Gilded Botanical Wedding

We’re doing it up like Midas today! Roses dipped in gold, garlands of gold bay leaves, centerpieces featuring gold garlands over crystal….the list of gold elements in this week’s wedding idea board is quite long. But don’t worry! I’ve included all the links below to the sites where each of these images were found.

The inspiration for this week’s wedding idea board actually came about when I was looking at my “Unusual and Unique Wedding Bouquet” board on Pinterest working on last week’s inspiration board. (If you missed that inspiration board, it’s a fun and modern tropical beach wedding. Go see it here.) I had been browsing through that board and saw it. A bouquet of golden roses. Over the top but completely fabulous. I knew I had to do something with it.

After thinking about it a little more, and looking back at some of the other posts I did with gold, I wanted to try something different. Botanical elements kept catching my eye, so I opted to feature lots of different types of gold leafs and foliage elements.

Here’s what I had in mind:

A Gilded Botanical Wedding

A Gilded Botanical Wedding

Be sure to see where I found each and every one of these elements:

Gold Leaf and Branch Wedding Cake – shared by Ruffled

Gold Script “The Best Thing to Hold On To Is Each Other,” Quote on Green Boxwood Wedding Ceremony Backdrop – shared on Ruffled

Folk Filigree Gold Foil Invitations – created and sold by pandercraft on Minted

Gold Rose Wedding Bouquet – shared on Bridal Guide

Gold Magnolia Leaf Escort Cards – shared on Southern Weddings Magazine

Golden Branch and Leaves Centerpiece – shared by The Arrangement Company

Bay Leaf Gold Garland – available on SaveOnCrafts

Crystal Candelabra with Gold Leaf Garland Centerpiece – shared by MODwedding

What do you think of this wedding with the gold touch of Midas? Would you prefer another metallic finish over the gold?


Luxurious Halloween Wedding – with Ravens

You know I love a fun, unusual wedding. I pin a LOT of great ideas for that couple who wants something….a little more unique.

But I feel like I ALWAYS see comments or responses along the lines of, “I could never do that,” or “it’s too far out there for me,” or any variation along those lines. And to that, I always think: is it?

Is it really that far out there? Is there REALLY that big of a difference if a color is blue not white? Can it really have a detrimental effect on your wedding? Or at your next party?

For some, it seems that way. Others, have no second thoughts about it. The debate will go on forever, and there is no wrong or right answer. But with increased socializing and media sharing, I believe it will become more and more socially acceptable to trade in some traditions to see new ideas brought to the wedding world. Or at least I hope so!

This week I’ve challenged myself to come up with something that falls halfway between the traditional white wedding, and the all-out goth wedding. White and gold, with subtle touches of black raven make for a very interesting design. The perfect detail that I think brings it all together is the unusual invitation.

Here’s what I had in mind:

Luxurious Halloween Wedding – with Ravens

Check out the links below to find out where I found all of these pieces:

Black and Gold Table Design – created and shared on Hey Gorgeous Events

White, Gold, and Black Masquerade Bird Masks – spotted on Pinterest

Black Feather and Peacock Bouquet – created and sold by ColorOfmay on Etsy

“The Birds” Raven Cookies – tutorial shared on Camille Styles

Black and White Raven Cake – shared in a round up post on MODWedding

White and Crystal Lounge with Black Raven Décor – spotted on Pinterest

Black Feather Décor – spotted in this round up post on Deco Crush

Crow Décor and Black Feathered Wreath – shared on Midwest Living

Feather Neckpiece – spotted on Cultivnation Tumblr

“Crack Me” Black Raven Egg Invitations – custom made and sold by LittleElephantCrafts on Etsy

Could you do a Halloween wedding like this?